Jacksonville Daily Record

Photo by Member Mark Krancer, Kram Kran Photo

Photo by Member Mark Krancer, Kram Kran Photo

Jacksonville Daily Record


Jacksonville Daily Record

121 W Forsyth St
Ste 150
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Mrs. Angela Campbell Mrs. Angela Campbell
(904) 356-2467
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Accurate. Reliable. Fast. Since 1912, the Jacksonville Daily Record has delivered the news, trends and information business leaders rely on to thrive and grow in the region's fast-changing economy. No one covers commercial development, real estate, construction, companies, City Hall and the courts the way we do. The Jacksonville Daily Record is a business & legal newspaper serving Duval, Clay, Nassau & St. Johns counties. It publishes every Thursday in print with a readership of more than 18,000. It also publishes its news online daily at JaxDailyRecord.com, drawing more than 235,000+ visitors a month along with a Daily email to start your day with the news you need to know and active social media outlets. Connect with us

Member Since: 1997