The Law Offices of Randy Reep

Photo by Member Mark Krancer, Kram Kran Photo

Photo by Member Mark Krancer, Kram Kran Photo

The Law Offices of Randy Reep


The Law Offices of Randy Reep

6720 Atlantic Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32211
Mr. Randy Reep Mr. Randy Reep
(904) 830-4444
Connect With Us
As one of the leading law firms in Florida, Randy Reep Law Firm brings together the best of experience and knowledge to serve our clients in a way that you won't find anywhere else. Lt. Col. Randy Reep USAF (pictured on the home page piloting the F15) and Hugo Rodriquez are prominent names when it comes to lawyers in Ft. Lauderdale. Whether you are looking for a personal injury attorney, a criminal defense lawyer or DUI lawyers, Reep Law provides world-class representation with two of the toughest attorneys in Jacksonville.
Member Since: 2014