The Museum of Science & History (MOSH) invites families and individuals to enjoy exclusive access to explore the Museum for its monthly Family Sensory Night. As part of the organization’s MOSHHHH… initiative, Family Sensory Nights allow guests to experience the Museum in a sensory-friendly environment with modified sound and lighting.
Visitors can interact with featured vendors and service providers, meet critters from the Florida Naturalist’s Center and experience an array of sensory activities. This month’s theme will feature vendors and organizations that offer sensory-inclusive Summer Camp options for families. The Jacksonville Public Library will also be on site with storytime activities.
A Sensory Space will be set up in Classroom 1 on the first floor, equipped and staffed by We Rock the Spectrum. Sensory support kits with activities, fidgets, headphones and more are available at the front desk for temporary loan to guests during the evening thanks to the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD); the University of Florida’s Early Steps program also serves as a sponsor, providing ongoing support of this monthly event.
Friday, February 16, 2024
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Museum of Science & History
1025 Museum Circle
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Dr. Anthony Mortimer, VP of Education & Exhibits at MOSH is available for interviews regarding the program.
$5 per guest
FREE for children 2 and under
Advance tickets are available for purchase here; walk-up admission will be available as space permits.
Visual Assets:
Logos and images can be found at the link below: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qy3yluaiosiolog3a50gv/MOSH-FSN-Logo.jpeg?rlkey=g6y40rfurlwp1vvx1g7ijql0h&dl=0
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